Old faithful feeling

Jandro Saayman
May 11, 2022

The rawness of “love”

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

Oh, it’s you again,

I thought we were f*cking done.

I sit here in utter despair knowing that you have returned.

I don’t hate you but you are not the most pleasant thing to be around.

Your presence consumes my mind, body and spirit leaving me numb.

But you already know that right?

How do I see all of your god-given beauty yet feel like admiring your beauty kills me inside with each passing look.

I patiently awaited you to say “I love you” but that reality did not manifest itself.

I am sorry that I love you but this time I chose me.



Jandro Saayman

A 6ft6 creative giant exploring the world of Human Behaviour in helping create a world where people can express their divine self.