Our multiple SELF’S of the social media age.

Jandro Saayman
3 min readJan 6, 2021

It is like being different versions of yourself at the same time.

In the past year, we saw a rise in digital media usage due to the global pandemic.

We saw these social media platforms brought into the limelight with documentaries such as The Social Dilemma that explored the dangerous side of social media by the inventors themselves. Ted talk speakers such as Jaron Lanier who speaks of these platforms being behaviour modification empires vs its known name as social media platforms.

As of recent, I have noticed a pattern in my own life around my use of social media and how I had found my-SELF jumping into various versions when using these platforms. I found it to be odd when I noticed how I would shift my-SELF from one tab to the next. — All 4 social media platforms were open as tabs on my computer when the realization hit me.

  1. Linkedin — The business-self

My interactions on Linkedin would be strictly governed by the subject matter of business. I would accept an search for individuals where my connection would be strictly for the purpose of networking and to expose my resume.

2. Facebook — The joker-self

The initial social networking hub, Facebook. In the beginning, Facebook was my first interaction with the digital social sphere. As years progressed and Instagram became popular I found myself venturing away from Facebook. I later came to use Facebook for the purpose to find humorous content such as memes and funny videos.

3. Instagram — The material-self

The application that uses most of my time than any other is Instagram. I began understanding that I focused on the material matters of life such as physical experiences, appearance and achievements. Instagram is the application of immense power because we have given it so much focus.

The material-self isn't a bad thing, there are two types of dependants that govern your interaction on Instagram and maybe across all social media platforms.

  1. What I share — when posting, you need to consider the reason for you showcasing this material to the world —the root emotion that triggers your thought around it.
  2. What I absorb — This is the content you choose to see and acknowledge and allow to become part of your life whether you notice it or not.

4. Twitter — Informative-self

I noticed that when it came to Twitter all I wanted to do was absorb written information from individuals. I was less worried about pictures and videos but more interested in one's opinion written in 160 characters or less.

I began consolidating all these versions of my-SELF and realized that I was unintentionally being taught by these applications how I should govern my interactions with it and what I share with my digital and natural world. It created a sense of autonomy the moment I opened my phone or computer screen.


I realized that how I saw the world was often governed by these social media platforms. I am not saying this is bad or good but merely an observation of the behaviour that I have made of myself.

People have allowed their lives to function with technologies that shape their existence on this planet. These digital influences can be beneficial and detrimental to us but its how we use them that determines what role they will play in our lives.

We should all learn to operate from a space of mindful digital usage instead of autonomy digital use by taking social media breaks, tracking our usage and being more present in our natural reality.

Maybe posing this question to yourself is a good place to start:

Why am I on “ Insert your social media platform name here

Thank you for reading my first article of the new year. May you be blessed in abundance.

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For information around Jaron Lanier’s Ted talk, watch it here: https://www.ted.com/talks/jaron_lanier_how_we_need_to_remake_the_internet

Watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix



Jandro Saayman

A 6ft6 creative giant exploring the world of Human Behaviour in helping create a world where people can express their divine self.